A permanent solution for men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
For men who find pills or shots not meeting their sexual performance needs the penile implant restores function for many years.
While any procedure needs to be discussed with your personal physician the penile implant is safe for the vast majority of men with erectile dysfunction.
While not frequently discussed thousands of men receive a penile implant every year and is a commonly performed procedure.
Dr DeLay is the only fellowship trained urologist with a focus on prosthetic urology in the midlands of South Carolina
Explore the long lasting solution for your sex life by meeting with Dr. DeLay
A penile implant or penile prosthesis is a medical device designed to help gain and maintain an erection. It is placed into a man’s body and is designed to help him get an erection. This is a saline (liquid with water and salt) fluid-filled device that is placed inside the penis and help expand the penis to gain an erection. The penile implant consists of three components: Two cylinders or tubes that are placed inside the penis, a pump placed inside the scrotum, and a reservoir (or bag) that contains the fluid, which is transferred by the pump into the cylinders, causing the penis to expand and become rigid.
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